
1. Clause 4.4.9 – If the shuttle touches the net after it is served, the outcome of this scenario is not mentioned in the Rules. For a badminton game, this should be re-served. Would this be applicable to our Robocon 2015 as well? If so, do we impose a limit on the number of re-serving for such scenario?

A: The shuttle may touch the net when served, and it is not a fault and would not be retried.

2. Clause 4.5.1 – If the shuttle after served hits the opponent robot before landing on the opponent court and is then bounced back and landed on the opposite court, would this be considered a score for the opponent team? This is not mentioned in the Rules.

A: No, it is not a score of the opponent except the shuttle is hit (bounced) back using racket.

3. Clause 6.3 – Clarification / Definition of “Robots cannot be separated”

A: For examples:
   * A robot release (some of) the part(s) onto the court.
   * A robot is separated to be more than one robot, etc.

4. Clause 7.1 – We are not sure if all badminton rackets being sold off the street is conforming to World Badminton Federation regulations. How would you verify the racket conforming to World Badminton Federation regulations?

A: We will verify the racket(s) size and dimension prior to the game.

5. [Follow-up Question from HK Organiser: Can you please advise us the mechanism whereby you would adopt to verify the racket so that we can follow the same approach to do the verification for the game in HK.]

A: Here are some of explanations on the rackets mentioned in BWF Handbook (2011) that we have adopted in the contest rule.

4.1 The racket shall be a frame not exceeding 680 mm in overall length and 230 mm in overall width consisting of the main parts described in Laws 4.1.1 to 4.1.5 as illustrated in Diagram C.
4.1.1 The handle is the part of the racket intended to be gripped by a player.
4.1.2 The stringed area is the part of the racket with which it is intended that a player hits the shuttle.
4.1.3 The head bounds the stringed area.
4.1.4 The shaft connects the handle to the head (subject to Law 4.1.5).
4.1.5 The throat (if present) connects the shaft to the head."


We will verify that the dimension of the racket(s) not exceeding 680 mm in overall length and 230 mm in overall width consisting of the main parts described in Laws 4.1.1 to 4.1.5 as illustrated in Diagram C.

The explanation on:

"4.2 The stringed area:
4.2.1 shall be flat and consist of a pattern of crossed strings either alternately interlaced or bonded where they cross. The stringing pattern shall be generally uniform and, in particular, not less dense in the centre than in any other area; and
4.2.2 shall not exceed 280 mm in overall length and 220 mm in overall width. However, the strings may extend into an area which otherwise would be the throat, provided that: the width of the extended stringed area does not exceed 35 mm; and the overall length of the stringed area does not then exceed 330 mm"


will also be considered in the racket(s)'s size and dimension measurement.

6. Clause 7.2.2 – We would like to have your clarification if this “plural methods” arrangement is a must or only a guideline to the participants.

A: Racket(s) should be held at the handle strongly as well as the badminton player holds racket.

7. Is it allowed to use thust fan to change the travelling path of the shuttle?

A: It is not allowed.

8. Is it allowed to use thust fan to change the speed of the shuttle after the robot hit the shuttle by racket?

A: It is not allowed.

9. Is it allowed two robot in
same team contact with each others?

A: It is allowed.

10. Before service be delivered, is it allowed that game field member enter the game field and touch their robots?

A: It is allowed.

11. According to the FAQ C1.25 ‘The team scoring consecutive two points will win the match’, shall we confirm a team will win either a result of ‘6-4’ or of ‘7-5’ when the score reaches draw of 4-4?

A: Yes.

12. In the rulebook, p.7, is ‘warnings’ referring to ‘violations’ stated in p.9? Please define.

A: Yes, the warnings mean violations.

13. According to p8 C3.1 of the FAQ, it mentions that the 'controller can be put on the outside of the fence' only. However, the operator may possibly bring along the controller when he walks around the grey area and even enters the space above the green area, instead of placing the controller at a fixed point.

A: Yes, it is okay as long as the controller (and its apparatus, cable, etc.) is not put on the grey area.

14. According to the p16 of the FAQ, it is noticed that there are 'First Serve' and 'Second Serve'. If Team A delivers the 'First Serve', is Team B then to deliver the 'Second Serve'? If so, shall we presume the teams are taking turns to deliver service no matter if the team scores or not?

A: Yes.




(English Version Only)